Term Dates 2023/2024
Summer Term 2024:
Pre-school opens: Monday 15th April
School closed on Monday 6th May due to Bank Holiday
Pre-school closes for half term: Friday 24th May
INSET DAY: Monday 3rd June 2024 - Pre-school closed
Return after half term: Tuesday 4th June 2024
Finish for summer: Friday 19th July
Autumn Term 2024:
Inset days: Tuesday 3rd September & Wednesday 4th September - Pre-school closed to children
Pre-school Opens: Thursday 5th September
Pre-school closes for half term: Friday 25th October at 3:15pm
Return after half term: Monday 4th November
Inset Day - Friday 29th November - Pre-school closed to children
Finish for Christmas: Friday 20th December at 3:15pm
Spring Term 2025:
Inset Day: Monday 6th January - Pre-school closed to children
Pre-school opens: Tuesday 7th January
Pre-school closes for half term: Friday 14th February at 3:15pm
Return after half term: Monday 24th February
Finish for Easter: Friday 4th April at 3:15pm
Summer Term 2025:
Pre-school opens: Tuesday 22nd April
May Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May - Pre-school closed to children
Pre-school closes for half term: Friday 23rd May at 3:15pm
Inset Day: Monday 2nd June - Pre-school closed to children
Return after half term: Tuesday 3rd June
Finish for Summer: Friday 18th July at 3:15pm